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App Review : The Entertainer

The Entertainer app is a new luxury app available around Asia and the Middle East. The app provides discounts and deals based on location and where you are looking for deals. In the land of hk apps development, The Entertainer is a timely addition with low cost discount companies like Groupon coming along. Although with The Entertainer, their rival may be Twangoo online, but we have yet to see them do any HK app development.

Within the Hong Kong community, it is widely known that luxury is a must in Hong Kong. When it comes to luxury brands and the local culture, everyone is always hunting for a deal. The Entertainer app provides deals on location bases, so when you are walking around a certain area or city, you are provided with all the deals for that area. Unlike Groupon, which is free, The Entertainer proves its luxury status by only taking customers who buy the physical book or the app. The price varies depending on what package you buy but starts at around $150 HKD or above.

The app developer who created The Entertainer app made sure to keep it light and adaptable to location, as it clearly updates every time you move location. If using the map while transporting across Hong Kong you can see the updates as you move. It’s a great distribution asset when thinking of HK app development. As the app trends become different, it’s important for developers to focus on new and improved aspects when it comes to customers viewing experiences. There are a lot of apps that may be useful but from a UX standpoint don’t hold up. Well planned and developed UX is crucial in app design, especially in Hong Kong where there are a plentiful amount of app developers around. A team that can specialize with a unique product and well designed UX, will be a winning team.

Another luxury of The Entertainer is that it is not only Hong Kong specific, the development team took into account the frequency of travel in Hong Kong. People here as among other large Asian cities, travel with ease and would definitely like the ability to reap benefits from the most frequented destinations such as : Dubai, Singapore, Johannesburg and London. One of the best deals, especially for travelers, is that The Entertainer offers 2 for 1 nights stay when it comes to hotels around the world. Obviously, prices and dates may vary but when thinking of traveling and using a discount app while still maintaining a sense of luxury, The Entertainer goes above and beyond

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

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