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Mobile Apps Review


Apple年度最佳APP 与游戏分别是《 Prisma 》与《部落冲突:皇室战争》。前者是一款修图软件,基于人工智能与神经网络技术,可在数秒内将用户图片转换成各种艺术风格;后者是一款多人塔防游戏。
年度优秀APP 与游戏,Apple分别颁给Meldy 与Chameleon Run ,前者是一款音乐播放器,后者则是一款跑酷游戏。

Google 2016 Apple Store 年度精选APP 名单
Google Play 评选出的优秀APP ,代表Android智能手机APP 市场的流行指数。
Google Play 年度最佳APP 同样颁给了Prisma ,年度最佳游戏则顺应潮流给了《 Pokémon GO 》。

2017 年APP市场预测: AR / VR 产品要大热?

2011 年到2015 年,Apple 最佳APP 分别是Instagram 、 ActionMovie FX 、 Duolingo 、 Replay 视讯编辑器与Enlight ,除了Duolingo 是语言教学软件外,其他四款均为照片/影视后期处理APP 。
比如《 Prisma 》的人工智能技术,用户照片特征被提取到云端,通过神经网络技术将照片与名画结合后,效果远超普通滤镜。这类新技术赋予APP 新的活力,预计将成为APP的发展趋势。
Google过去几年最佳APP 的评选,类型更加多样化,社交与工具类APP 亦包含其中。明年Google Play 会有什么变化?业界认为,随着Google开放Daydream 平台,谷歌应该会加速发展移动VR 的发展,预计明年开始, AR / VR 类APP将在Google Play 上变得流行。
这一趋势同样适用于Apple ,媒体报导,Apple 将在2017 年的WWDC 上推出AR / VR内容,这将刺激开发者在IOS 上推出相关APP 。

食在方便 – 台湾在地美食小吃&餐厅手機應用

旅游在外,不怕找不到食店,最怕找不到好吃的店。去台湾,除了风景,还有最重要的美食。「食在方便」App 包含当地网友推荐的食店,整合了餐厅资料评价、地图、评论等基本而必须的资讯,让外地旅客也能食得开心!最重要的是它能离线使用,即使没有网络也不用怕,十分贴心。


Disclaimer: The content of the above article are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app. 


FANCL有了自家的手机应用程式了!会员购物时无需携带会员卡,并能掌握个人购物记录,有助理财。iFANCL App为会员带来了便利的购物体验,相信这个App将为FANCL带来更多的新会员呢。






Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

App Review : SodaCard App

One of the hottest new apps on the Hong Kong market is the SodaCard app. SodaCard is a rewards company that works with different restaurants and establishments around Hong Kong that provides rewards to customers based on their visits to each place. All Soda cards and the app are complimentary and are designed to be used at affiliated establishments to provide loyalty rewards. The customer receives points per check in with the app which provides location based services for checking in. The rewards are different at each establishment and being able to cash out the rewards is different as well.

For instance, if the customers have checked in and received a certain amount of points, there are different rewards with each establishment and a different reward system. Notably, it is easy to understand that with the more points collected the bigger the reward. For instance, Hokkaido Dairy Farm, whom is a restaurant member of the SodaCard App, offers milk teas, lunch sets and snacks as their rewards. It is to be noted that the SodaCard app only requires customers to check in at the establishments and does not require purchases.

The SodaCard app has checkin points available near a point of sale where the customers are encouraged to take a physical card or use their phone app to take a picture. Both foreign and local establishments have decided to get this app and help contribute to their business as well as the entire Hong Kong F&B market. The Soda app has been developed to drive brand loyalty and awareness in the region and it seems to be a success so far.

The SodaCard team created a sleek and sexy Soda app that keeps the customer engaged and visually pleased. The app is easy to access and streamlined so there is no questioning when it comes navigation. The app is delivered in Chinese or English and the app design is flawless in either language.

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

App Review : My Observatory – The Hong Kong Observatory App

MyObservatory App is one of the most well known and widely used apps in the Hong Kong Market today. The app provides timely weather information about what is going on Hong Kong. This hong kong based app sends through push notifications every time the government issues a different weather warning that might affect the outcome of your personal day.

The app was developed in Hong Kong by the government and was designed according to the layout of the current website. Although the design is a little outdated and not focused on ultimate user experience but it is functional and works on a multi-platforms and all different forms of phones. As design isn’t the main part of the HKO experience, the Hong Kong app has been made to deliver information timely and accurately.

The Hong Kong Observatory whom sends push through notifications is one of the most influential Hong Kong apps as the information it delivers is timely and important. The Hong Kong app design was made for more practical purposes as it was designed to be sent to an English and Chinese audience.

There is a big difference when it comes to design for the Chinese and English crowd. The Hong Kong app crowd seems to favor a more flashy and busy design for their audiences while the English speaking crowd seems to favor a simpler design. The Hong Kong app development seems to offer different designs for different languages which makes the app world a bit more interesting. How do the app development teams define what design for what language? It depends on the team and the market for the app. When it comes to government apps the easier translatable the better.

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

App Review : Open Rice

Open Rice is one of Hong Kong’s most revered apps that reviews restaurants and recommends everything food related in this ever moving city. Online, people are invited to review restaurants with their own personalized username and then review the restaurants with detailed reviews rating them with smiley faces that range from delicious to vomit worthy. The website and app is highly popular among the local Cantonese people and foreign expats alike. As Hong Kong isn’t as spread out as most cities, it’s easy to navigate the search fields of: location, restaurant type, budget and ratings.

As most large cities have a wealth of food bloggers, although peppered in Hong Kong, there are not many of note. There are more popular food and travel Instagrammers than famous bloggers. In that absence, that’s where the beauty of OpenRice App arrives. On the app, one can follow certain food reviewers that use OpenRice to double as their blog. The HK app development team probably was planning their design around the fact that many people would be using this app almost like a food blog. Reviewers can rant and rave about restaurants with tens of thousands of readers, who can act as their following. In the world of Mom & Pop restaurants, which is famously Hong Kong, this can make or break the business. OpenRice also allows submitters to even add their own restaurant if they haven’t found it yet to review!

Another bonus of the OpenRice app is that it has location based search terms. So if opened while walking in Central, the app will tell you the nearest available places based on your search criteria. While Hong Kong isn’t a large place, this app makes it extremely handy to find somewhere to eat. The app developer must have taken into consideration the popularity of the website, which shines UX.

Open Rice is also famous for advertising and marketing schemes when it comes to businesses working with the Hong Kong app and website. Available to the advertising teams are front page marketing, pop up ads when opening the app and downloadable coupons and vouchers for customers to use at certain restaurants. With the days of Groupon, who offers dirt cheap deals and cuts the business financially, OpenRice can help improve important reviews that can influence business while still increasing sales with restaurant coupons.

OpenRice, both the website and app, have become highly influential players in the Hong Kong F&B marketplace. The ease of which to navigate the app in both Chinese and English leaves many customers without wanting more as all food locations can be included. Unparalleled in this thriving city, OpenRice app brings the ease of finding a place to eat based on budget, reviews and location. The app development team was able to create a beautifully designed app that functions as well. By being able to find any restaurant within walking distance and using location based services, OpenRice allows personal insight into the Hong Kong app market.

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.

App Review : The Entertainer

The Entertainer app is a new luxury app available around Asia and the Middle East. The app provides discounts and deals based on location and where you are looking for deals. In the land of hk apps development, The Entertainer is a timely addition with low cost discount companies like Groupon coming along. Although with The Entertainer, their rival may be Twangoo online, but we have yet to see them do any HK app development.

Within the Hong Kong community, it is widely known that luxury is a must in Hong Kong. When it comes to luxury brands and the local culture, everyone is always hunting for a deal. The Entertainer app provides deals on location bases, so when you are walking around a certain area or city, you are provided with all the deals for that area. Unlike Groupon, which is free, The Entertainer proves its luxury status by only taking customers who buy the physical book or the app. The price varies depending on what package you buy but starts at around $150 HKD or above.

The app developer who created The Entertainer app made sure to keep it light and adaptable to location, as it clearly updates every time you move location. If using the map while transporting across Hong Kong you can see the updates as you move. It’s a great distribution asset when thinking of HK app development. As the app trends become different, it’s important for developers to focus on new and improved aspects when it comes to customers viewing experiences. There are a lot of apps that may be useful but from a UX standpoint don’t hold up. Well planned and developed UX is crucial in app design, especially in Hong Kong where there are a plentiful amount of app developers around. A team that can specialize with a unique product and well designed UX, will be a winning team.

Another luxury of The Entertainer is that it is not only Hong Kong specific, the development team took into account the frequency of travel in Hong Kong. People here as among other large Asian cities, travel with ease and would definitely like the ability to reap benefits from the most frequented destinations such as : Dubai, Singapore, Johannesburg and London. One of the best deals, especially for travelers, is that The Entertainer offers 2 for 1 nights stay when it comes to hotels around the world. Obviously, prices and dates may vary but when thinking of traveling and using a discount app while still maintaining a sense of luxury, The Entertainer goes above and beyond

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Disclaimer: The content of the above mobile app review are the opinions of the reviewers and is intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only, and should not be used, interpred or relied upon as any form of recommendations. We does not endorse or accredit the mobile app. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the app for the company owned the app and the app developer developed the app.